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EcoSeal in Maine?

eirelander | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Does anyone know where I can source a couple pails of EcoSeal sprayable caulk, in Maine?

I was fully intending to seal our house (new construction) with sprayable caulk, but I can’t find a source anywhere . I’ve tried contacting Knauf, area reps, etc. but that does not seem to be getting me anywhere.

Any tips or suggestions, or better yet, somewhere I can place an order??


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I have called Knauf and left a message there. Let's hope they call me back with an answer.

  2. eirelander | | #2

    Thanks Martin. Kurt Bamberg from Knauf yesterday put me in touch with Wallboard Supply Co. with locations in Portland and Hermon (near Bangor), ME. I'm not sure Kurt's role at Knauf, but he was very helpful and it looks like I've found my source!

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