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Ecoflow battery with solar as a power back up?

orange_cat | Posted in General Questions on

Spotted at Costco Ecoflow Whole House backup battery with solar panels.
I asked previously about a small dual fuel backup for power outages, but have no natural gas line, so fuel is a dirty tiresome option.

This seems more attractive – I was considering solar eventually anyway.
Have anyone looked into this as a backup power option (or to play with ultra-low overnight energy rates we have locally)?

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  1. lance_p | | #1

    Not sure what size battery system you're looking for, but I have an EcoFlow Delta 2 Max with two expansion batteries (6kWh total), using as power on my house build until I get power hooked up. I have 3800W of solar panels hooked to it (over-panelled, max input is 500W x2)and it's proven to be more than I need to keep lots of lights on, charge tool batteries and run my small compressor.

    I plan to use it for backup and TOU optimization, though 6kWh isn't much when it comes to running a house. A gas/propane generator will be part of the plan, especially since I'm in Canada and winters are cold and dark. I have the EF dual fuel generator as well, which is nice since you can set it to come on based on the battery state of charge. Problem is the cord isn't too long and it's got proprietary connectors, so the gen can't be too far from the battery.

    They just launched a Delta Pro 3 and a Delta Pro Ultra, both of which would be better suited to whole home backup since they offer 240v, panel integration, higher output and more expandable capacity.

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