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Ductless range hoods designed for restaurants

mark_be | Posted in General Questions on

Anybody have experience with this sort of thing?

Not inexpensive and probably pretty loud, but I would imagine it would do the job in a home kitchen with induction cookers, regardless of what you cook.

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    I'm not a fan of the ductless vent hoods (I prefer the vent hoods to vent to outdoors), but they can be made to work. Filters for fume extractors are used for nastier things that kitchens (like smoke extractors for soldering stations), so they are certainly capable of filtering out grease and the like. The only issue would be that they are a maintenance item since the filter needs servicing occasionally, and we all know how good general homeowners are about maintaining their mechanicals...


    1. mark_be | | #3

      Yeah, but I know the homeowner well (me) and am pretty sure I wouldn’t have a problem following the filter maintenance schedule.

  2. Expert Member

    The energy penalty for having a vented range hood probably represents a payback period of centuries for that 4K hood unvented one.

    1. mark_be | | #4

      That might be true, but I am bringing an older house up to the passive house standard and I just don’t think a vented hood would be appropriate.

      1. Expert Member
        Akos | | #8

        You can always put in a powered damper for the range hood exhaust. There are some that seal well enough for passive house standard.

        I think this is still a better solution than trying to monkey around with recirculating hoods. I've lived with one for a while, they just don't work. By work I mean controlling the smells, limiting condensation on windows and keeping the smoke alarm from going off when you char something. ERV can clear some smells but takes a couple of hours to do it even on boost.

        Cleaning filters sounds like easy maintenance till you have to do it. Cooking grease turns into a wax, sometimes I think it is easier to install a new hood than have to clean it.

  3. user-2310254 | | #5

    If you are building to passive home standards, you will have a ventilation system. Using a ventilation system in boost mode probably makes more sense than a $4,000 ventless filter.

    1. mark_be | | #7

      Seems that it is not a great idea to intentionally suck smoke, grease, etc. into our erv system. If interested, see here for some thoughts on that approach -

  4. JC72 | | #6

    No way ! Seriously, who's going to want to cook on a couple of countertop induction plates?

    Answer: Nobody.

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