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Downloading Details

user-5494039 | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Details will not open in Autocad LT 16
Any Advice?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    What web site are you talking about? Can you give us more information about this file?

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    If you are talking about one of the double-stud details from the GBA detail library, as Charlie surmises, I'm sorry to inform you that these files don't exist in DWG format. This has been a glitch on our "need to fix" list for some time, but our tech team hasn't gotten it fixed yet. I'm sorry.

  3. kirkwooller1 | | #4

    Martin (or anyone else),
    I have the same problem. Can right-click CAD Download and downs a .dwg file but the format is not able to be opened in AutoCAD LT current version. I just joined (7/24/2021) and every CAD file I try to download gives me this error message. Is anyone going to fix this, or do I have to cancel my subscription?

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