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Don’t let your Mass Save Rewards card expire

Justin_DeSilva | Posted in General Questions on

Hey GBA,
I’m posting this because I thought it might help prevent others from loosing out on their Mass Save Rewards balances.

We purchased a nest thermostat and received a $100 Mass Save Rewards card. Using the card in stores was difficult because it’s not a debit card nor a credit card. Any time we wanted to make a transaction it seemed only sometimes the store associate could process the card.

With $50.17 remaining I realized I could simply by a gift card to Lowes or Home Depot all while knowing the exact balance remaining. When looking at the card I realized it had an expiration date and it was expired. I contacted Mass Save, and the parent Bancorp Bank. All three said they’re sorry and wouldn’t issue another card.

We lost out on $50 savings but maybe this helps others in a similar situation. My recommendation is immediately buy a gift card to a frequently visited store.

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  1. tommay | | #1

    If you bought yourself a regular thermostat instead of an intrusive nest, you could have saved yourself $200-300....

    1. Justin_DeSilva | | #2

      Hey Tom,
      lol, I like your reply. I understand many products are marked up very high but I see a lot of value in the nest thermostat. I suppose it's sort of an Apple scenario. Apple was first to bring intuitive and attractive user experiences to the smart phone market so everyone pays the premium, similarly nest was the first to bring intuitive and attractive user experiences to the residential thermostat market. I don't mind paying the premium because we really like the integrated wifi connectivity/functionality. I don't mind sharing some information with big brother.
      That said, don't get me started on the cost of subscription services like internet because that worries me more than the cost of the thermostat.
      Thanks for all your replies, it's good to see some humor on the boards.

  2. user-6991016 | | #3

    How much did you have to use your funds? Also, do you know if MassSave claims it paid and the customer got $100 when reporting to the regulator or would that actually be costing the MAsssave and ratepayer the actual amount you used?

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