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Does anyone have experience with roll-on or spray-on weather barriers instead of housewrap?

GBA Editor | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I am building a tight house with 6″ SIPs panels and I have been investigating the pros and cons to roll-on or spray-on weather barriers (with little success). The main advantage is a consistent air barrier. Are there any down sides? Does it really provide a drainage plane comparable to a housewrap? I have been looking in particular at Tremco’s EnviroDri. Perm rating is a 12. Does the asphalt base or the other chemicals involved cause any additional issues – possibly for air quality indoors? Thanks in advance for any help.

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  1. Riversong | | #1

    If you've properly sealed the joints of the SIPS, you have a perfect air barrier and need only a weather barrier-drainage plane. Polymeric housewrap or #15 felt is perfect for that.

  2. user-607056 | | #2

    We have been using liquid applied air barriers on our projects for the last 4 years. They work well.
    Further, they waterproof well. Bulk water in the wrong place is highly destructive. Housewraps do not waterproof. Take a look at Tremco Exoair 220. Also, sealing the SIPs joints on the inside is important.

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