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Do you need window head flashing with Henry 1-2-3 system

user-1112710372 | Posted in General Questions on

Thank you all for a vast amount of information I have taken in from this website. I am building new in Zone 3A central coastal ca. I have utilized Henry 1-2-3 system – Blueskin, flashing and 1/4” rain screen over 3/4 foam finishing with Henry siding. Everything was done to highest standards -ex sill angles for drainage, liquid applied flashing as dam etc- and Henry rep inspected at multiple levels. None of the foam, rain screen or Henry siding is on and we just had record levels of rain/wind. None of my windows and doors leaked (except one which is a Marvin issue)which is a testament to Henry’s system. So now I am getting ready to start foam, rainscreen and siding phase and I am questioning whether I need window head flashings (im very close to the ocean and need either copper or stainless). Marvin calls out window head flashing and Hardi calls out trim head flashing. Given how much time and money I spent already on weather proofing this seems extreme and based on recent historic rains with no leaks I’m wondering if I can skip the head flashings to save some time and money??? Which I need to do somewhere. Thank you in advance for any guidance.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Some houses in some climates do alright without head-flashing, but I doubt coastal California is one of them. Also remember that if both your cladding and window manufacturers require head-flashing, not installing it is both a code violation and may void your warranties.

    If you don't include a head-flashing over your windows there is no mechanism to a) channel water that makes its way into the rain-screen cavity over the windows to the exterior, and b) stop water from moving sideways along the window head into the cavity.

    You don't need stainless or copper flashing. Pre-finished aluminum will be fine. Make sure to include end dams.

  2. user-1112710372 | | #2

    Thanks for the reply. Marvin does have an integrated plastic head flashing but yes good point on the warranty issues. So which should I prioritize head flashing over window to trim?

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      I don't understood why manufacturers don't build a head-flashing into the profile of their windows, and instead leave it as a separate task?

    2. dennis_vab | | #4

      I just installed my Marvin windows a few months ago as well, and mine has the plastic head flashing. I made some head flashing with a metal break. If I had to redo it I wonder if I could have skipped it and just done the head flashing over the trim.

      1. user-1112710372 | | #5

        Marvin definitely recommends you add a head flashing eventhough they have a plastic one. I guess I’ll flash that and not the trim.

      2. Chris_in_NC | | #6

        I cut off the integrated flashing on my Marvin windows. I wasn't very confident that the clear plastic would survive much UV exposure, and it's an integral part of the slide-in nail fin, which means that it's hard to actually seal/detail as a proper flashing. Putting some caulk under the ends of a slightly-too-short plastic flashing with little outward overhang seems...marginal at best. I feel more confident with a durable metal flashing with end dams and a proper protected length above the window. I'm not flashing the head trim though.
        My metal roofing supplier had a standard bronze coil that perfectly matched the bronze Marvin fiberglass, so the flashing is completely invisible.

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