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Do rain screen batons need to be pressure treated?

Lazenby | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

What are peoples opinions I’ve considered PT or cedar or just plain pine. I’m looking for 3/4” over 2” of EPS with blueskin vp100.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    No. The only time PT furring might be necessary would be if you were using a siding that let in large amounts of bulk water, like open-cladding.

  2. Expert Member
    KOHTA UENO | | #2

    This is what Joseph Lstiburek (BSC principal) wrote about whether wall furring strips need to be PT or not; check out the article for pictures.

    PA-1201: Foam Shrinks, and Other Lessons

    Furring strips will not rot

    I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “You’ve got to use pressure treated furring strips,” but it is absolutely untrue. When we took the walls apart, the furring strips looked brand new. Why does this detail work? Because the vent space is designed to dry. That is its whole job.

    Why not use pressure-treated furring strips as an added measure of protection? One reason is that it means having to use stainless-steel siding nails, which has proven to be an unjustified extra expense.

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