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Do Electrical Wire Offgass VOC ?

potton | Posted in General Questions on

Someone is telling me that the jacket of typical interior cables emits VOCs…  Is that true or not ?!

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Yes all plastic emits VOCs. So do all humans and plants. What matters is how much, and are they harmful.

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #2

    Wiring insulation on most power cabling commonly used in residential construction is insulated with a combination of vinyl and nylon. Both are pretty stable materials, so there isn't going to be much in the way of offgassing. The only issue comes if there is a fire. If you really want to have wire that won't release much in the way of harmful compounds while it's burning, you need to use non-halogen wire (which is available). It is VERY expensive though, and I've never seen it used on a normal construction project. Specialty cable like that is usually only used in special facilities, such as telecommunications sites (telephone exchanges, etc.).

    I'd be more concerned about your paint than your wiring.


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