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Did I make a big mistake? Bathroom fan

Shawnnixon1 | Posted in General Questions on

I miscalculated my fan size my bathroom is 11×13 and 8 foot ceiling I bought a 110cfm fan. According to the calculations I was suppose to get 143cfm. The fan is right next to the shower and above the toilet. Is it good enough or I have to redo everything?

pic attached where the hole is, its where the fan is now installed, on the left side is the bathtub where will barely use.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    I bet it works fine. The location is great, and although the room is bigger than most, the moisture generated isn't any larger.

    To make it easier to swap out bathroom fans I mount them in boxes. You can see pictures of the approach at the end of this blog:

    1. Shawnnixon1 | | #2

      I cant go any bigger because i put 4” duct only, if I put 150cfm fan I would need 6” duct but if you think 110 is fine I will stick with it

    2. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #3

      I like the box around the fan, Malcolm! I particularly like the idea of separating the grill from the fan. I like to dress up the mechanical elements of a house and I'm always disappointed when I'm stuck with some piece of plastic because it's what came with a fixture.

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #4


        I'm with you on the grills. The ones that come with the fans are seldom nice.

        Panasonic sells a retrofit fan, but for the life of me I can't figure out how you would attach the duct to it without access from above, unless you use lots of flex duct.

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