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Dense pack cellulose roller: Where to get one?

mattbrennan4 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

As a fan of the dense packing method of cellulose in Atlantic Canada, I often run into a few key challenges from contractors:

1 – It’s dusty (…not really when dense-packed)

2 – It’s different and learning is required.

3 – Not wanting to use strapping (due to added cost) to manage the bulge at 3.5 lb densities.

The common response is to use a hard roller long enough to push the cellulose in. The problem is no one (myself included) knows where to get one? Can you please make some recommendations?

Thank you!


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    For years, the answer to your question was simple: You can buy a cellulose roller from National Fiber in Belchertown, Mass.

    Unfortuately, National Fiber is out of business. The company was purchased by a rival, GreenFiber. It appears that the reason that GreenFiber purchased National Fiber was so they could shut it down. I just got off the phone with a GreenFiber representative, who told me that GreenFiber does not sell cellulose rollers.

    I just called Bill Hulstrunk, the cellulose expert who used to work at National Fiber. I got his voice mail. I left a message; when I hear back from Bill, I'll share what I learn.

    Below is a screen shot of the relevant page from the old National Fiber catalog.


  2. user-2310254 | | #2

    You might check out this vendor:

    It seems likely they would have what you want.

  3. mattbrennan4 | | #3

    Thank you Martin - I've been looking at alternatives this morning (floor rollers etc.) but there doesn't seem to be anything quite up to par. I'll stay tuned.

  4. fourforhome | | #4

    That roller looks a whole lot like the roller stand at Harbor Freight:
    The roller is 11" wide.

  5. charlie_sullivan | | #5

    Mark, I think you are right that that would work well. Both items were on my jobsite at the same time, and they are indeed quite similar. I didn't try using the roller stand for insulation, but I see no reason it wouldn't work.

  6. mattbrennan4 | | #6

    Does the roller come out of the stand? I presume yes, but just checking. Also, where there is no need for a stand ideally this would be sourced elsewhere. I'm looking into conveyer belt companies now...

  7. fourforhome | | #7

    Matt, the silver support comes out of the black legs. At $17, a double-duty tool is a great value.

  8. mattbrennan4 | | #8

    True, That's decent value for $17. Great for the US, just checked and no luck on shipping to Canada...

  9. RMaglad | | #9

    check crappy tire:

    Or princess:

    or home depot:

    all decent alternative, where the stand and support should separate. all 12" wide. and double the price of something similar stateside :(, but apparently the US is on the bad side of nafta?

  10. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #10

    I just heard back from Bill Hulstrunk; his response was delayed because he was out of town.

    Bill said, "I have ordered wall rollers in the past from Insulation Machine Corp. (800) 438-2776 and Energia (413) 650-6329."

  11. calum_wilde | | #12

    Just out of curiosity, what part of Atlantic Canada are you in? If you don't mind.

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