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Denaglass gold exterior sheathing

jberks | Posted in General Questions on

Hey GBA crew,

So I’m talking specs with the framer as we’re about to start demo and framing on the row house.

He wants to use exterior sheathing drywall, densglass gold, on the side that is within 4′ of the house beside is. He is saying got a to meet code.

However, the exterior walls that aren’t a fire exposure, he’s suggesting we go to regular OSB.

I was looking into drywall exterior sheathing and it looks like it performs much better than OSB in terms of moisture resistence. So I’m for it if it means better performance. And then, I thought, this might help with exterior soundproofing. (With I guess windows being the weakest link for sound in the wall Assembly)

With OSB being $17/sheet and the densglass being $23/sheet it looks like this isn’t too much of an added cost to keep the consistency and improve performance.

Also, I’m thinking of using blueskin vp100 peel and stick on top of that for the WRB. I looked into Delta Vent SA but it is 9x the cost.

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?



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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    You might ask the contractor to price DensElement. It is a new product that has an integrated WRB. Only the seams and penetrations need to be sealed, which saves a lot on labor.

    Before making a final decision, however, I would review the total cost (material plus labor) for each of the systems you are considering.

  2. Jon_R | | #2

    If it meets your needs for nailing, moisture vapor movement, racking, etc, then expanding its use to the whole house seems like a reasonable durability upgrade.

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