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Damp proofing exposed foundation wall

user-1119003523 | Posted in General Questions on

I am residing my 140-year-old house and decided I’d like to insulate the exposed 30” of foundation wall with Comfortboard and a protective face.  Unfortunately, the wall is made up of 8”x12” concrete blocks with irregular faces, up to 2” variation in the surface.

i assume I will have to parge them smooth with mortar if I want to damp proof them – I’m told mastics don’t deal with cracks well and I know a membrane is it out of the question.

 Are there any other options I may not be aware of?

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    That sounds like a good situation for an elastomeric membrane, either sprayed on or rolled on. This is one brand I've used a few times with good results: You might not even need to apply a parge coat. Some brands can be installed by a DIYer while others require manufacturer training.

    1. user-1119003523 | | #2

      What you linked doesn’t appear to be available in US markets except through the occasional contractor, it seems. There’s several off the shelf solutions at my local Menards, but I suspect I may not get what I need that way. Still, I’ll take a closer look at it.

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines | | #3

        Like I said, some products require manufacturer training. In fact I think the best ones do and are spray-applied. If you want true waterproofing, I wouldn't rely on something you buy at a big-box store and roll on yourself. If you do a local search for foundation waterproofing and ask about rubberized elastomeric membranes, or ask a few foundation contractors, you should be able to find a solution.

  2. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #4

    Another approach is to frame out a wall a couple of inches from the foundation and trap a sheet of foam between the walls.

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