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Cut holes for appliance before or after drywall?

drewfridley7 | Posted in General Questions on

I am building a small unit that will have a mini split, range hood, and ERV. I am reading that these are usually installed before drywall. It makes sense to me to put the drywall up and then cut a hole through the drywall and sheathing. As opposed to cutting the sheathing now and trying to line up the drywall holes later. Is there any major drawbacks to cutting the holes after the drywall is up?

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  1. freyr_design | | #1

    You will generally install your vents before/with your WRB, which should be on before you drywall. also on something like the ERV I would put duct insulation with foil around the intake and exhaust to mitigate condensation (range hood also if you are in a cooling climate, though maybe this one is less important....). Cutting drywall is easy and tolerances are pretty forgiving.

    1. drewfridley7 | | #2

      Thanks for the insulation tips. I know it's easy to cut drywall, but why cut two holes instead of one?

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #3


        It's still two holes either way. I'm not understanding how the process is any different whether you cut them at the same time, or at different ones?

  2. gusfhb | | #4

    You cut first so that you don't have to cut blind and accidentally damage something else in the wall.

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