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correct size water heater

joenorm | Posted in General Questions on

I am building a new home, 3bed, 2bath, 1400sqft.

I am purchasing a standard electric water heater and I am wondering what size to get. Currently there are only two of us living in the house but that number could range from 2-4 in the future.

We take very short showers, in my last house we never ran a 30 gallon tank out of hot water.

I was thinking 40 gallon would be fine, but I really have no idea. 


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  1. Trevor_Lambert | | #1

    If your household size could double, it's hard to guess how much hot water use will be with the info at hand. It would be safe to assume it will at least double (more, if your new family members aren't as quick in the shower as you). You didn't run out with 30gal, but were you using 20, 25 or 29 at a time? Unknown. So you might be fine with a 50gal. This is a pretty typical size. I'd say 40 is cutting it too close, and for very minimal savings.

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