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Contractor Forgot Strongwall Panel Anchors

idahobuild | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

I just found out from our GC that the concrete sub didn’t place the anchor bolts for the Simpson Strongwall panels.

The GC is looking for a solution.

I am wondering if anyone here has had to deal with this before.  I am just hoping that there is a solution.

Help, thoughts or advice appreciated.


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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    I'm sure Simpson has a retrofit solution they use. Probably threaded rod and epoxy. It would have to be approved by them.

  2. idahobuild | | #2

    Thanks Malcolm,

    I will for sure.make sure that the GC gets something from Simpson.

    My fingers are crossed...and my toes. I just hate to think of the cost of tearing out the conc. and starting over.

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #4

      Practice saying these words:
      "I'm not settling for anything that wasn't approved in writing by either the manufacturer or an engineer"
      "No, I'm not paying for this."

      1. idahobuild | | #5

        DCContrarian - That is definitely my montra for this scenario.

    1. idahobuild | | #6

      Freyr_design - I have sent an email to the engineer letting him know about the mistake. Hopefully there is a retrofit fix for this.

      1. freyr_design | | #8

        Ya worst case you underpin it, a bit of digging but don’t have to cut out your foundation.

        1. idahobuild | | #9

          I was researching foundation underpinning and I still don't understand how it helps with shear/strongwall panel fixes. Most of what I found seems to relate to adding basement living space or fixing sagging foundation walls.

          Can someone help me understand how underpinning of the foundation will help when anchors weren't properly installed?

          I think Simpson said the load on my walls is to high for an epoxy retrofit. More on that to be clarified on Monday...hopedully.

          1. freyr_design | | #10

            You will basically pour another footing under your current footing under where your strong wall is that you will anchor your bolts into. You will drill through your footing and install threaded rod through to underneath your current footing and install a nut-washer-nut. Then pour the new footing.

            At least this is what I assume they would require.

  3. Deleted | | #7


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