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Construction Documents for a PERSIST wall home in Vermont

benba | Posted in General Questions on

Hi guys,

We are going to build a cabin/home in Vermont this upcoming year. My wife and I have a floor plan we would like to build and I would like to be general contractor on the project just to make sure everything goes to plan. I would like to invest in building the place using the PERSIST methodology and although I think I understand its constituent elements, I don’t know who I can go to to turn the floor plan we have into detailed construction documents that follow PERSIST best practices.

I am taking it as a given that the sub-trades will not be familiar with most of the changes from traditional construction techniques so I want to make sure the construction documents specify all of the critical details.

Is anyone familiar with someone who can do this and is well-versed in PERSIST techniques and methodologies? We have a Revit file that contains the floor plan and modeled structure, but it doesn’t contain any of the relevant construction details yet.

I appreciate any help in this regard!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Q. "I don't know who I can go to to turn the floor plan we have into detailed construction documents that follow PERSIST best practices."

    A. You need an architect.

  2. benba | | #2

    Hi Martin,

    I guess that is what I am asking for... an architect who is familiar with PERSIST methodology and will not try to make things easier on himself by just recycling old building techniques / practices. I just can't find someone who is known to have worked on or be familiar with PERSIST.


  3. tech1234 | | #3

    Ben, do some research on "first day cottages" in Walpole NH. Basically a persit wall design before it had a name. Lots of these around NH and VT. some contractors know how to detail things for them. I currently live in one

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #4

    Robert Swinburne (Brattleboro, Vermont) -- you can Google him -- is an architect who writes blogs for GBA. If he can't help you, he might suggest another architect who can.

    Other Vermont architects who have designed high-performance buildings that have been mentioned in GBA articles include:

    Laz Scangas of Arnold and Scangas Architects in St. Albans, Vermont.

    Jean Terwilliger from Vermont Integrated Architecture in Middlebury, Vermont.

    Eric Morrow, Yestermorrow.

    Bill Maclay, Maclay Architects, Waitsfield, Vermont.

  5. benba | | #5

    Thanks Martin and TECH1234,

    I will look into your suggestions and get in touch. I appreciate the help!


  6. user-1109205 | | #6

    We could help you. You can contact me (Polly Wheeler) through our website:

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