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condensation calculator by CI Construction Instruction

pv13 | Posted in Expert Exchange Q&A on

Wondering what kind of experience (if any) you have had with Construction Instructions new condensation calculator. What are your thoughts?

Being located in Ontario Canada I found myself intrigued 


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  1. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #1

    One must be aware that anytime you change the RH and/or the interior temperature, safe levels of outsulation may need to be changed.

    In CI's "acceptable insulation approach" for my area (TX, NM and the SW), the interior RH and Temp is set 30% and 70°F ( I didn't see a way to change), but the reality is that in many locations, either by geographical area or peoples way of living, the RH and/or Temps can be much higher than that, so the risk level of condensation can change.

    IMO, one must follow code or perform an independent ASHRE Fundamentals or WUFI analysis to be sure.

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