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Compressed Batts

bdrfab | Posted in General Questions on

I appreciated the chart Martin posted on R-value of compressed batts, but I am curious of one thing.
What effect would compressed batts have on sound? I have a hard time believing it would make much if any difference, is that correct?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm just guessing here, but I imagine that higher density batts are more effective at reducing sound transmission than lower density batts. That doesn't necessarily mean, of course, that the difference is significant -- especially if you are talking about the difference between a 3.5 inch batt and a 6 inch batt stuffed into a 3.5 inch wall.

  2. bdrfab | | #2

    That's what I was thinking. Thanks Martin. FWIW the question came as I was ripping salvaged 2x10 batts in half to sound batt a 2x4 wall, I wouldn't think there would be enough difference to purposely put 2x6 in a 2x4 wall.

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