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Comparing Fascia Options

atburi | Posted in General Questions on


We’re looking at a few options for our 20” tall fascia around the roof and balconies, and I’d appreciate any input on which option might be the best choice. While I assume any of these will work well, it would be great to know if anyone sees compelling reasons to choose one over the other, or if it’s more a matter of preference.

For us, having a natural look and low-maintenance are key factors, and keeping its black colour over time. (The siding will be vertical 1×8 cedar shiplap.)

Option #1: James Hardie Board, 3/4” thick, 10’ lengths, pre-finished black
Option #2: Stacked cedar boards (1×12 and 1×8), stained or charred black
Option #3: Stacked cedar shiplap (three rows of 1×8), stained or charred black

All options will be installed over a 5/8” plywood sub-fascia, with wood boards either nailed or glued to prevent cupping if necessary. The Hardie Boards are only available in 10’ lengths, so that will mean quite a few joints to manage.

Appreciate any insights or recommendations!


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