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Microplastics in Water

nickdefabrizio | Posted in General Questions on

Clean Water

I am not sure how much clean water is within the GBA perview, but I think it is important and a vexing problem for many, especially those of us on wells who are responsble for our own supply.
I have a well that pumps water through hundreds of feet of black plastic (Polyethylene?) pipe. I am wondering if the water is filled with microplastics and if so are there any systems to effectively remove it? The water testing doesn’t seem to pick up microplastic levels and the filter systems I see all seem to be made of plastic !  Any thoughts?

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  1. nynick | | #1

    Yeah, don't sweat it. There are much more serious things that can be in your water. Watch out for those.

  2. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques | | #2

    I'll give your post a bump to invite more discussion, and share some info from the WHO microplastics in drinking water that jibes, to some degree, with the "don't sweat it" viewpoint.

    1. nickdefabrizio | | #6


  3. wiscmarq | | #3

    Ars Technica recently carried an article on the near- ubiquitousness of microplastics in the environment and in us. The post includes a few links to recent research.

    1. nickdefabrizio | | #7

      Thanks. I wonder if there are plastics that are much better than others?

    2. nickdefabrizio | | #8

      I have met the scientists from the Ocean Conservancy. THey are a good organization. I think theyh have the right idea: less plastic in every stage of the cycle

  4. rockies63 | | #4

    The other thing to watch out for are "forever chemicals" in water. This lab at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada has done some great research on removing these chemicals.,and%20biological%20engineering%20professor%20Dr.

    1. nickdefabrizio | | #5

      Yes. I think that many of these can be removed by filters.

  5. severaltypesofnerd | | #9

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