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chimney top dampers?

CramerSilkworth | Posted in General Questions on

Hi All,

Does anyone have any experience or advice regarding chimney top dampers, eg the “Lock Top II”:

I’m looking for something simple, safe, and reliable to cut down on leakage from a fireplace. Can any of these work in conjunction with a damper at the firebox (or is that overkill)?

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  1. Expert Member

    Sorry, no useful experience or advice except to suggest you check your local codes before installing one. Ours does not allow any damper that completely seals the chimney due to the fear that combustion gases from the fire will entry the living spaces.


  2. CramerSilkworth | | #2

    I've been digging a bit deeper and it seems like such things are prohibited by code here (NYC). Oh well, worth a shot...

  3. Michael Chandler | | #3

    I've used one that looks like this made of cast iron that sheds water when closed and also keeps birds out.

    We used to get these for pre-cast masonry fireplace kits that had multiple parallel flues and combustion air intakes but I've gone to using the RSF Opel airtight fireplace stove and don't need a chimney top damper with those.

    Still, I remember being very impressed with the cast iron units, they adhere to the top of the flue tile with gooey adhesive, you pull on the spring-loaded wire to close it and hook it on a little clip inside the firebox if the wire breaks the thing pops right open. Good system, no problems so long as you don't get that goo on your hands.

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