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  1. Expert Member

    Thanks Scott!

    That's alright. I always hated trying to get box-springs up spiral stairs.

    They have brought in edge-blocking requirements for sheathing too. That brings us more in line with seismic codes in the states below us

  2. rockies63 | | #2

    Malcolm, as a builder in BC Canada are you automatically informed whenever building codes change or do you have to do the research yourself throughout the year? I imagine the vast number of codes must be overwhelming.

    1. Expert Member
      MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #3


      If you have bought a code in the past you are sent updates and told of proposed changes in advance. You can also take online seminars that cover changes and their implications. It's not too hard to keep up - especially if you are only doing Part Nine buildings.

      Last time a new code came out I bought the print copy. A couple of years later they sent out revisions - 600 page of them! This time I'm sticking with the (now free) online access.

  3. rockies63 | | #4

    Malcolm, I'll ask this here since I'm not a paid member and can't reply to the Metal Roof thread. Have you used (or considered) metal shingle roofs?

    Also, what about 78" corrugated metal roofs?

    Wouldn't these two products give you all the benefits of a metal roof but without the problem of oil-canning? They also look like they would be less difficult to fasten than typical metal roofs.

    1. Expert Member
      MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #5


      The shingles look like an interesting product, although I've never used, or even seen them. All I put on are snap-lock panels. They are fast and easy to install, and once done seem problem-free. Another thing I like about them here in forested rural BC is that any damage is easily apparent. During winter storms it's common to have tree limbs bounce off the roof. With shingles, they can have punched a good sized hole which might not be apparent, while still leaking.

      Corrugated panels share the problems of all exposed-fastener roofing. They are cheaper, but are also both harder to detail and flash effectively - and you end up with hundreds of vulnerable fastener penetrations waiting to fail.

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