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Can you trap moisture between two layers of faced fiberglass?

mikeolder | Posted in General Questions on

Good morning folks.

Im re-sheathing my roof right now and repairing wiring, adding insulation and fart fans since there is no attic access.  The lumber yard only stocks faced insulation and since its permeable, I chose not to look for unfaced fiberglass and installed the paper to the outside to prevent wind washing. 

Did I make a mistake by installing fiberglass batts between two faced layers, one old and now my new one? 


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  1. Cheesefly | | #1

    The idea is not to have two impermeable material sitting next to each other, as it will trap moisture. So the question here should be if the "face" are permeable. Sometimes they call kraft paper "faced", sometimes the face would be an impermeable material. In the picture it looks like just kraft paper? If it's kraft paper then you have nothing to worry about, if it's plastic, you might want to find out what kind of face it is.

    1. mikeolder | | #2

      Thanks Cheesefly.

      I shouldn't have asked on FB too.. I went back and peeled all the "paper" off..

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