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Can you put Zip Tape (flex or regular) over cured Zip Liquid

lookloan | Posted in General Questions on

I thinking of doing window sill pan with Zip liquid, but would like to have a strip of Zip Tape on the outside where the Zip Liquid meets the house wrap on CDX.

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  1. Expert Member
    Deleted | | #1


    1. nunzy | | #3

      Hi Richard

      Per Huber, the answer is the exact opposite of your response.

      Please reference document HUB 9214 REV 8/20

      Thank you

  2. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #2

    HI James.

    I didn't know the answer to your question, but was curious, so I relayed it to the folks at Huber. This is their response:

    "They’re on the right path, but we recommend reversing the sequence they have in mind for best continuity of air and water barriers. The best approach would be to use ZIP System tape from the outer sill pan to the housewrap. Next, use acetone to wipe the tape clean of the release agent used to keep the linerless tape from sticking to itself on the roll. This will give you an optimal bonding surface to then come back with ZIP System liquid flash to finish out the sill pan. While the Liquid Flash is great for bonding to a wide variety of materials in transitional areas, it’s not ideal for housewrap applications.

    Because ZIP System tape is a pressure-sensitive acrylic tape that “wets out” over time, you’ll get the best bond over more uniform surfaces and Liquid Flash covers tricky areas superbly, but may not be an ideal finished surface on which to get the best bond with ZIP System liquid flash."

    I hope that helps.

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