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Can you plaster over spray on insulation?

HeidiByTheWay | Posted in Interior Design on

A room has been sprayed with spay on insulation, it looks like it’s coated in porridge as they have not put up a frame.
Now to finish the room? Do I cut it off flat and flush, then put plaster board over it? How do I secure this to the wall?
This house is an old Southern Spanish country house.

Or can I plaster or render over it as it stands, giving a rounded edge to the walls as the other walls have been finished?

Thanks in advance for any clues, it’s a bit of a mess.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The best way to proceed would be to install studs to frame the walls, and joists to frame the ceiling. These framing members can be used to run wiring and support gypsum drywall.

    If you don't want to do that, you could try to secure metal lath to whatever substrate exists behind the spray foam, using long fasteners that extend through the foam. Then you could install plaster over the metal lath.

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. HeidiByTheWay | | #2

    hmmm, yes, thanks, that's what I thought, the ceiling has old beams which she wants to keep exposed it's going to be a right job making a frame around those; perhaps mesh, thanks for you quick and great response. No quick fix on this one.

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