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Can vinyl siding cause interior mirrors to cloud up?

Amazing1969 | Posted in General Questions on

I live in a new mobile home and have many interior mirrors throughout my trailer. There is a film that appears causing the mirrors to look dull as opposed to gleaming. They are high quality mirrors and were were transported from a wooden home where this was NOT as issue. I was informed that is was possible that gases emitting from the vinyl siding could be a possibility. What are your thoughts on the validity of this statement. I was told that TIME was the only solution and that the film would dissipate over the years. I value your opinion on this matter. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to VENT. ( pun intended )

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I am almost certain that the vinyl siding has nothing to do with your mirror problem.

    If you polish one of these dull mirrors with a paper towel and Windex, how does it look?

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