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Can two inputs control one motorized HVAC damper?

BrunoF | Posted in General Questions on

I am looking for advice on my fresh air / make up air controls for my new house.  We have a Renew Air ERV and a 650CFM rage hood that both require outside supply air.  I am not sure of the specific routing but the ERV and the range hood make-up air ultimately draw fresh air through the same wall penetration.  I would like to have a motorized damper somewhere on this system to prevent the negative pressure of my air-handler from pulling out outside air when the ERV is off but it seems that this damper would need to be controlled buy both the range hood and the ERV.  For example it would need to open if the range hood is on or if the ERV is on.

Is it possible to simply wire two inputs into one damper or does there need to be a control system / relay somewhere to manage bring those two inputs into one control signal to open or close the damber?


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  1. freyr_design | | #1

    Your erv already has an internal damper on it doesn’t it?

    If that is true you just need a damper for your make up air.

    1. BrunoF | | #3

      There isn't a damper in my ERV. Regarding the other reply, do most folks bring range hood make-up air through the ERV?

  2. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #2

    Make-up air is make-up air. Why does it matter which duct it comes in through?

  3. greenright | | #4

    To answer your question - I would isolate the two inputs as one of them when activated might damage the other one. Isolating is very simple- just wire the two inputs into a dual input relay. Dual SPST NO relay comes to mind. Make sure the output is rated at the power the damper requires- prolly not an issue.

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