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Can slicker max be used over hydrogap sa?

MikeonLI | Posted in General Questions on

Hydrogap SA seems like a great product with drainage channels but I was looking for a bigger gap between my cladding and wrb. Slicker max seems like a popular rain screen yet I never see it used in combination with hydrogap sa. 

would there be any issues using these two in combination? 


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  1. Patrick_OSullivan | | #1

    I think Benjamin Obdyke would quickly give you an answer if you give them a call. I suspect they'll say it's fine. However, you'd be "paying twice" for drainage. No doubt Slicker will give you better drainage/drying than HydroGap SA, but HydroGap SA itself is a premium product with a premium price.

    1. MikeonLI | | #2

      Good point. I’ll reach out to them and see what they say. I guess behind fiber cement cladding In an area like mine with a lot of rain, I just wanted to be as careful as possible to facilitate drying.

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