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Can Panasonic ERVs be on programmable timers?

Kail_Z | Posted in Mechanicals on

I am installing a couple of the Panasonic spot ERVs and the directions clearly state not to put them on a solid state controller. The directions state that the harmonics from a solid state controller can effect the motor and make it run noisily and even the possibility of fire. This would limit you from using any programmable timer that I know of. I hear of people putting these on programmable timers thou. Am I missing something? Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks ahead of time.

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  1. sfriedberg | | #1

    I don't have the spot ERV documentation handy, but I suspect Panasonic is prohibiting dimmers and speed controllers, not basic (solid state) switches. Timers which use a zero-crossing solid state relay (SRS) for output should work just fine. (Lots of luck finding that detail in the timer documentation, however.)

    In the worst case, you can use your programmable timer to activate an old-school mechanical relay (aka contactor) to control power to the ERV. Have your electrician mount the timer and a suitably-rated relay in an appropriate NEMA enclosure. (A household wiring box is not appropriate for this.)

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #2

    Any timer or occupancy/vacancy sensor rated for fluorescent lighting fixtures or motors would have no problem handing the reactance of a small ERV load.

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