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Can I safely apply wood paneling and drywall directly to the studs?

7036905 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I was inspired by Rob Myers’ house build and have my own house underway in Midcoast Maine. I have a 2×4 frame, sheathed with Advantek and wrapped with Blueskin. My plan is to attach 6″ EPS to the outside with battens and long screws into the frame, with vertical pine siding. Inside I plan to insulate with 3-1/2″ rock wool. My question is whether I can apply wood paneling and/or drywall directly to the inside surface with no need for further air or vapor sealing because the Blueskin takes care of that and the percentage of R-value outside to inside prevents condensation in the wall.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Ronald, your ratio of exterior to interior insulation is more than enough to provide the dewpoint control necessary to install drywall or paneling directly to your studs. Just be careful to make any transitions airtight--Blueskin and similar products are great over most of the wall, but the edges are where bad things happen.

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