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Can I install 3/8″ T-1-11 clear siding over existing 5/8″ T-1-11 siding to create a board and batten look?

auathlete | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

My house is currently sheathed in 5/8″ T-1-11 siding. I’d like to add another layer of 3/8″ clear (no grooves) T-1-11 siding over that and then add 2″ battens to create a board and batten siding look. Is this a good idea or a recipe for disaster? I live in Maui on the dry side of the island and get a lot of sun on the south and west sides of my house.

Thanks and Aloha,

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If that's the look you want, then two layers of siding won't cause any problems.

    That said, if you want to avoid problems with water penetration, you need to make sure that your flashing details and your WRB installation details are robust. (Building codes and building scientists agree: every wall needs a water-resistive barrier integrated with window flashing and door flashing.)

    If you have any doubts about the integrity of your existing WRB or your flashing details, now would be the time to address these issues.

  2. auathlete | | #2

    Aloha, Martin,

    Thanks for the advice ! I researched the building material options for the boards and eliminated Hardie Board and cedar although I may use cedar for the battens. The only other option for the siding that I could find on Maui was WindsorOne 3/4" x 12" protected trim boards but they are 3 1/2 times more expensive than the T-1-11 and would cost more to install. I believe the WindsorOne boards would have a more finished look but I'm not sure they'd be worth the investment. If you have any suggestions I'd appreciate hearing them.


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