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Can 30% Vinegar Damage Structural Lumber?

Michael201 | Posted in General Questions on

Hi All,

I accidentally spilled some 30% Acetic Acid concentrate on some framing lumber today (2×10 roof rafters).  Just wanted to confirm the acid wouldn’t do any structural damage to the wood and they are still good to be used?

Bought the concentrate by accident–thought it was regular vinegar. Don’t know much about the concentrate. 


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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    I doubt it would be an issue, but I don't have any real data to back that up. Vinegar and bleach solutions are often used to treat mold problems without any issues though.

    I would do a simple test here: Cut the end of one of the contaminated pieces with a saw, and drill a hole through the contaminated area too. Compare to doing the same on an uncontaminated piece. If the resistance to the saw blade and drill bit feels about the same, and you don't see any obvious visual differences after the cuts (such as excessive splintering or tearing), then you're probably OK. This isn't a scientific test, but it's easy to do and better than nothing.


    1. Michael201 | | #2

      Okay thanks Bill, will do. Also found the below article...maybe I've accidentally made my lumber stronger? :)

  2. walta100 | | #3

    At that concentration I try not to think of it or call it vinegar. It is 30% acid mostly useful as a weed killer.


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