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Brooklyn, NY new construction windows

cbut8995 | Posted in General Questions on

Hi All,

Ive been researching and getting mutliple quotes for my new devleopment in Brooklyn. Large pricing finishes like windows was decided by me and my GC isnt making money on the window selection so he told me to find any I like and he will install whatever I want.

Largest quantity and window size are the 8 feet tall and 32 inch wide tilt and turn windows. I need at least 40 on them. So far I have only seen UPVC material that can do that height without needing a transom. I need them to be 8 feet tall clear glass without any grids. 

I received multiple quotes from Logic windows, and Intus and both are very good and helpful. I have only been using aluminum and have only good things to say about them on my other rental projects. Any insight or opinions on UPVC windows? As for energy efficiency or things along that nature, it doesnt really matter to me. What matters is durability and maintenance. Longer life the better, less work the better. 

I havent been able to find a aluminum manufacturer that can do it at these heights and be competitive in pricing with Intus or Logic. I do not mind paying 10-20k more if they are actually better but I have only heard good things from intus.

Never heard of Logic before until I saw a question her on GBA and looked it up. Their site seems plain and doesnt look like many buildings use their windows but the people I discussed my project with were helpful and they were the cheapest bid on my windows.

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  1. dankolbert | | #1

    I am a friend of Kris Brill, owner of Pinnacle, which makes and distributes Logic. And have used them in several projects. They are definitely equivalent to Intus and have a much shorter lead time, since they're made in PA.

    You should also check in with another friend of mine, and co-host of our Building Science discussion group (, Steve Konstantino of Performance Building Suppply. He used to be one of the biggest distributors of Intus, but has switched over to Shüco.

  2. ssnellings | | #2

    I've worked with Kris Brill at Pinnacle on a number of projects and would recommend working with them. Haven't gotten to install Logic windows though, could never get a client to sign on!

  3. cbut8995 | | #3

    Ive been speaking to Chris Bailey a lot for my entire project and they are about 10 thousand cheaper than my order with Intus. However, there isnt a rep in New York like how Intus does to take in any concerns or problems which I hope I would never have to run into though.

    Has anyone used Logic windows and have gotten good feedback from them? I was thinking of flying to their warehouse or manufacturing plant to hopefully take a look.

    I have been using Pella and Crystal Windows for my other properties and have nothing but good things to say but they cant reach the 8 foot clear window height that I need.

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