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Brinc Thermal Tight Panels

Bwiemels | Posted in General Questions on

After much research, I have decided on 2″ exterior insulation for my new house project. In searching for products I came across the Thermal Tight panel made by Brinc Building Products, the maker of Thermal Buck. I was wondering if anyone has used the Thermal Tight panels and what they thought about them? 

Thanks in advance

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  1. nikojo | | #1

    I had similar interest. Have you learned anything more?

  2. rkymtnoffgrd | | #2

    Im in ZONE 7 as well, I used thermal bucks on my build, and looked into the Thermal Tight panels... However I though that cost vs benefit wouldn't pay. Also, Im not an expert on Air/Water/Weather barrier, but I knew I wanted my Air Barrier inside of my 2" exterior insulation. I got a little confused with the Thermal Tight as too what is happening where. When considering Id have to sheath, and then do Thermal tight, I decided to just sheath and tape with zip. I was scared the thermal tight flap system might further complicate and already complicated wall assembly. This is because of my inexperience with the product. I ended up with 2" of mineral wool with 3/4" rain screen to flush out to the buck. This leads to a very dry and forgiving exterior insulation/ siding system. I suppose with Thermal Tights WB being at the exterior surface, perhaps that is not an issue.

  3. Bwiemels | | #3

    I spoke with the company and received some samples and a quote. Although the product could be an air barrier, I was going to use my sheathing taped because I felt it was easier to detail. I essentially liked the idea of the wrb already being attached to the panel and the possibility to save time. Unfortunately the product was about 40% more than virgin stock foam and a separate wrb, so I passed. I would definitely get some samples to see it and a quote. Maybe prices have come down since.

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