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Book on Structural Engineering/Residential Construction (PWF)

BirchwoodBill | Posted in General Questions on

I am working (still) on a PGH house design. Playing with a PWF design based on Building Science Corporation (BSI-020) – see attached. The soil type is sandy loam and falls into category 1, plus there are lots of houses built nearby using PWF panels (see Fine Home Building Jan 2024, page 48). 

Looking for recommendations on a structural engineering book for residential construction. I am going through 2021 AWC commentary section and also the Southern Pine Council and trying to understand the math and the physics. Trying to understand how a 9′ 8 1/2″ tall 2×8 12″ o.c., PWF wall will perform for a basement wall. 

Right now, my objective is to teach myself some of the structural engineering basics so I can talk intelligently with a P.E.

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