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Bonderized metal /paint grip siding over mineral wool

side_oats_grama | Posted in Green Building Techniques on



Looking for advice on how to install horizontal bonderized steel siding over Rockwool Comfortboard 80. Location is climate zone 3a warm-humid (north central Texas)


The assembly we’re considering is the following:


2×6 @ 16” OC walls insulated with Rockwool batts (R-23), Zip sheathing

Roxul Comfortboard 80 – 1.5” (R-6), bonderize metal (paint grip) siding running horizontally.


Rockwool doesn’t have information online on how to make this assembly possible, but I submitted an inquiry earlier. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone has tried the wall configuration mentioned above, or what would be other exterior insulation options to consider, accounting for the weight of the metal cladding.



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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Metal siding (with maybe the exception of corten steel) is relatively light. Any strapping detail that works for other claddings like cement-based ones or wood, will work for metal.

  2. matthew25 | | #2

    Try to include a rainscreen gap between the siding and the exterior mineral wool, using vertical furring strips. It shouldn’t add a tremendous amount of cost and will make the entire assembly last longer.

    Also, seeing as you’re from Texas like me, consider foil-faced polyiso as your exterior insulation instead of mineral wool. It will double as a radiant barrier (your metal siding will give you some radiant barrier benefit already too), it has a higher R-value per inch, it’s cheaper and it’s more environmentally friendly. The radiant barrier benefit will only work with a rainscreen gap though, keep that in mind.

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