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Boiler draft inducer retrofits

ARF9VudJeZ | Posted in Mechanicals on

Hello GBA,

During the course of a BPI-sanctioned weatherization job, we have come across a newer atmospherically drafting steam boiler boiler that is suffering from a very slight, nuisance level of spilling flue gases. Spillage lasts for about 2 minutes then stops once the stack really heats up. Depressurization is not the problem, nor is a chimney blockage. I believe it is the manufactured configuration of the draft hood.

The solution to this problem seems to be a draft-inducer near the chimney. Anybody having luck with this type of installation? Any other thoughts on how to alleviate a small amount of spillage in order to adhere to BPI standards?



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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    Art, is there another draft hood that would work better? I would talk to either/both the boiler manufacturer or the pipe system manufacturer for advice.

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