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ANTHBOT Genie AI-Robot-Lawn-Mower No Wire: Revolutionizing the Art of Lawn Care

Maintaining a plush, perfectly manicured lawn has never been easier with the ANTHBOT Genie AI Robot Lawn Mower. This no-wire and cutting-edge innovation integrates all the sophistication of advanced AI technology with user-friendly elements to make lawn care efficient and intelligent. It brings precision navigation, personalized scheduling, and pet-friendly features to its users.

Discover how the ANTHBOT Genie AI-Robot-Lawn-Mower No Wire can change your lawn maintenance routine by exploring these standout features, including GPS navigation, AI-powered adjustments, and an easy-to-use interface.

1. Reliable GPS and Vision Navigation

The ANTHBOT Genie comes with a full-band cm-precision RTK system, as well as a four-camera vision setup to avoid any signal drops, so that navigation is seamless. Whatever the size and shape of your lawn, this mower effectively maps and maneuvers through every inch with precision.

2. AI-Powered Personalized Lawn Care

This mower uses intelligent algorithms to assess the needs of your lawn. It adjusts the mowing schedule based on grass conditions, weather, seasons, and even location for pristine results. Forget over-mowing or neglecting your lawn; the Genie will ensure it stays in top-notch condition year-round.

3. Easy Setup & User-Friendly Control

This setup of the ANTHBOT Genie is quite easy. No need for boundary wires to prepare it within a few minutes. Besides that, there is an app provided for convenient remote control and monitoring from your smartphone to manage its schedule and settings.

4. Smart Obstacle Avoidance & Pet-Friendly Design

Safety first. The Genie features an advanced AI-based obstacle detection system with a wide 300° FOV vision system, making it able to recognize even the most elusive objects like pets, toys, or even small animals such as hedgehogs. Have the peace of mind that your family and pets are safe while experiencing the beauty of your lawn.

Product Details Options

The Genie series is offered in three flexible models that can meet different needs:

  • Genie600: Suitable for small lawns, reliable performance, and compact design.

  • Genie1000: Best suited for medium-sized lawns with enhanced capabilities.

  • Genie3000: Flagship model designed for large areas with premium features and high precision.


The company stands at the helm when it comes to the integration of technology and convenience. They changed the way we approach lawn care with innovation at the center. With AI, GPS precision, and safety features integrated into a no-wire robot mower, they’re going to set a new level for smart home solutions.

To know more about the vision and product line up of ANTHBOT visit their ANTHBOT Official Website.


 A fantastic lawnmower for anybody trying to make the lawn cutting schedule an easier job is certainly ANTHBOT Genie AI Robot Lawn Mower. With cutting-edge technologies and easy setting up it definitely sets the maximum safety pace forward-it will be just the ideal way for the great yard-let’s never miss our change to better lawn cut experiences. Find the ANTHBOT Official Website to explore the Get ANTHBOT’s $100 Coupon and start your journey toward smarter lawn care today.

  • ANTHBOT Genie provides precise navigation and tailored AI-powered lawn care for optimal results.

  • It’s easy to set up, pet-friendly, and packed with safety features for a worry-free experience.

  • Choose from various Genie models to find the perfect fit for your lawn size and needs.


1. How do the ANTHBOT Genie find their way across my lawn by wire?

The Genie does this by using a whole-band cm-precision RTK GPS system combined with four-camera vision technology; therefore, it can map and work boundary wire-free.

2. Will it adapt to changing weather?

Yes, the AI-powered system in Genie considers conditions brought about by weather and season and grass conditions that need to be considered. That way, it has perfect lawn care.

3. Is the ANTHBOT Genie safe for my pet and children?

Absolutely. The mower comes with smart obstacle detection and a 300° FOV vision system, thus ensuring that your pets, children, or even small wildlife are secure.

4. What is the distinction between the Genie600, the Genie1000, and the Genie3000?

The Genie600 suits small yards, the Genie1000 middle-size ones, and the Genie3000 big places but includes additional features and works well.

5. How do I work the mower?

You are able to control the Genie through its intuitive smartphone app, which allows remote control, scheduling, and the ability to customize the mowing preferences.

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