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below grade exterior basement insulation

sghar | Posted in GBA Pro Help on


I’m looking for some help regarding exterior insulation. We have a 10 foot basement (the walls were just poured) we will be using bituthene 3000 peel and stick. Now for the rigid insulation – this is where I am lost. I would like an R value to the insulation along with some type of drainage. any suggestions? We live in NY

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  1. krackadile | | #1

    What R-value is required by the AHJ (authority having jurisdiction)? According to chapter 3 of the 2021 IECC (International Energy Conservation Code), which is available for free online, most of New York state falls into either a zone 5A or 6A climate. According to chapter 4 of the IECC it looks like you are required to have R-15ci or 19 or 13& 5ci. It looks like a minimum of 3" of XPS would provide R-15ci or you could go with 4" and get R-20. As far as drainage goes, I'd personally just use washed gravel on the exterior of the insulation but there is drainage board available from several different manufacturers. I think with the drainage board you'd still need the washed gravel on the exterior. You'd of course also need a foundation drain regardless. Good luck.

    1. sghar | | #2

      Thanks for the response. Just to clarify. If I do not use a drainage board( I cannot seem to find one - located in Long Island- Nassau county) I can use bituthene then rigid insulation board and then use gravel from foundation to the top?
      Or the other option can I use bituthene- dimple mat-rigid board and backfill with a gavel and soil using a filter fabric in between.

      Thank you!

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3
      2. FrankD | | #4

        Mineral wool board drains well without the need for a separate drainage mat.

        1. sghar | | #5

          Thank you. I’ll look into those.

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