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Bathroom fan size

Shawnnixon1 | Posted in General Questions on

My bathroom size is 10.3×10.3 with 8 foot ceiling. Current have 50cfm fan which is almost useless and loud.  I have a stand up shower, toilet and freestanding tub (barely use).
My exhaust fan duct goes to a soffit in the roof. The distance is about 6 feet or so.

how much CFM fan do I need?
Current duct size is 3”. Should I change to 4 or 6”?
Bathroom fan should I get 110cfm? Is 150 overkill?

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    The IRC requires 50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous for bathrooms, regardless of size.

    I recently installed a 110 cfm fan in my bathroom, which is a little smaller than yours, and it clears the air quickly. It's a Panasonic Whisper series and it's nearly silent. I used (and recommend) rigid 4" ducting with as few turns as possible.

    Here's how I recommend venting, when possible:

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