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Bathroom fan 2 sizes difference in performance?

Shawnnixon1 | Posted in General Questions on

Home depot sells Panasonic Whisper choice 80/110cfm model and then a Whisper Remodel one 80/110cfm model

the difference between the 2 is the “Choice” model has 7” height which can be installed between 2×8 joists and 4 or 6” duct option, max noise level 0.6 sone. Model# FV1315RQ2

the “Remodel” option has 3 or 4” duct option which can be installed between 2×6 joists, max noise level 1.1 sone. Model # FV0811RF2

Would there be really performance difference between the 2? My duct that I will install will be 4”

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  1. Expert Member


    I've used both and have the remodel fan in my own main bathroom. It's very quiet, and I don't notice any difference in performance.

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