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Bad dense pack cellulose job with UFFI

rondeaunotrondo | Posted in General Questions on

Approximately a year ago I had my 1915 bungalow’s wall dense packed and rim joist insulated. The rim joist job was a joke, I had them come back but in the end I ripped out 75% of it and redid it myself with additional Thermax. 

In doing some electrical work, ductwork etc I’ve discovered the bottom or top of the bays had chunks of UFFI with big air gaps, not filled with cellulose. I was told the UFFI would be completely compressed which is why it wasn’t removed. Is there any way of fixing this besides completely removing it all and redoing it again? I do not trust the company to come back even though I had vetted them with knowledge from this site. 

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  1. user-723121 | | #1

    In an ideal situation the insulation retrofit would take place during the heating season. The insulator would do thermal imaging to show the completeness of the work and to identify areas missed.

  2. rondeaunotrondo | | #2

    Agreed. While a blower door is running. They did a post blower door but no imaging which I should have asked for.

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      Would it be possible to do thermal imaging now and map out the problem areas? That would both reveal the extent of the problem, and show which areas need remediation.

      1. rondeaunotrondo | | #4

        Malcolm, I’ve been trying to get someone else here but I’m losing my delta T as the days get warmer.

  3. walta100 | | #5
    1. rondeaunotrondo | | #6

      Thanks Walta. Debating just buying one since it’s $56 to rent. Going back and forth about the iPhone ones.

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