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Attic wall insulation

cproberts | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

3yrs ago sprayfoam put in attic,I developed major health problems  due to improper installation Multiple Chemical Sensitivity etc. They removed inside  wall fiberglass insulation trying to remediate. 2022 had Multi Layer Insulation, like the refletive astronaut suits put in spaces,not over foam. Still HUGH electric bills.  We are now wanting to put wool type insulation in wall spaces behind MLI. What us BEST  low,no VOC insulation?? HELP? DESPERATE  cannot afford  another Summer of $600-800 bills
Climate spring summer very hot snd humid. SW Georgia

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  1. kbentley57 | | #1


    Your situation sounds tough. Could you help us all a little bit more by defining your acronyms? I'm not sure what MCS, and MLI are, others are probably wondering too.

    Could you also give us a little more information about where you live? Some of the suggestions are climate specific.

    1. cproberts | | #2

      Added info

      1. cproberts | | #3

        Added information

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #4

    The "multiple layer" stuff sounds like radiant barriers. Don't believe the R values for that stuff, especially where they claim huge gains with several layers spaced a few inches apart. The reality is that each "layer" might get you around R2 or so. For some perspective, code minimum in much of North America now is R49.

    I am very reluctant to use natural wool insulation for anyone with sensitivities. Part of that is because I'm allergic to the stuff. Usually if you want to avoid sensitivities, you need a synthetic material to avoid potential allergens. My recommendation here would be mineral wool, which is very stable and doesn't really offgas after the "new smell" period. There are also several manufacturers that make fiberglass that is pretty safe, and a few, such as Owens Corning, that make a product specifically for people who are sensitive (their "Pure Safety" product). Greenfiber makes a cellulose product that is reported to be pretty safe.

    The radiant barrier does help you, but the multiple layers don't add much. I would remove the rediant barrier stuff if needed to fit "real" insulation up to at least code minimum R value.

    If you can give some more info, you'll get more detailed responses. A big question is "do you have a vented attic, with insulation on the floor, or a sealed attic with insulation under the roof?". You can also have insulation under the roof with vent baffles for a vented attic with insulation under the roof. If you have a vented attic with insulation on the floor, I'd leave the radiant barrier alone (which is probably installed under the roof), and insulate the floor with loose fill insulation after air sealing the old fashioned way. Loose fill mineral wool is probably safest for sensitivities, but also the most expensive. If you don't have any issues with cellulose, then I'd use that. Fiberglass is a middle option.

    BTW, sometimes people's sensitivities are to mold, and not chemicals as people sometimes think. If you've had several kinds of insulation in and out, it's possible something may not have been done correctly and you might have mold somewhere. I'd check for that too. If you find mold, you'll definetely want to clean that up -- it might really help you if that's what's going on.


  3. cproberts | | #5

    We have 2 solar attic fans. Spray foam roof side on main house roof and 2 walk in storage area. No insulation on walls or floor etc except now we have the MLI over all those places and wanting,needing to put if the safest insulation behind the MLI. But j have to be very care on which product. Besides the mineral wool,is there a good fiberglass one? Thank you

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