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Attic storage in 1950’s home

orangetractorkid | Posted in General Questions on

I have a 1950’s rambler with the old leaky  ladder access into the attic. 

I recently blew in insulation to about r-38 or less and need to blow in more. My wife really liked having attic storage space in the past which consisted of shiplap planks perpendicular to the ceiling joist.

I removed all the old shiplap prior to reinsulating. After blowing in, I mistakenly put two in foam board on top of the ceiling joists, which were filled to the top with fiberglass, and then put osb on top of that. What I didn’t realize is that I created a vapor barrier with the eps foam board due to my 1950’s house only having plaster ceilings and no poly. The bottoms of the foam board is wet and water vapor comes up around the seams of it. I plan on taking this out.

If I remove the fiberglass insulation between the ceiling joists and spray foam on the back side of the plaster between the joists will I run into condensation issues on my plaster ceiling? Or is there a better option? 

thank you for all the help!

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