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Are there any alternatives to painting pvc trim

MikeonLI | Posted in General Questions on

Hi everyone,

I’m a homeowner in Long Island ny. Switching to vinyl siding. To improve the overall look of the house, I’m deciding to upgrade and use pvc trim for the corners, rakes, windows etc instead of vinyl trim and wood wrapped in aluminum coil stock. I hope it will look nicer overall. 

unfortunately because the color of the siding doesn’t go well at all with white, I need to buy the white pvc trim and have the contractor paint it. Because of the extensive amount of trim on the house, it will significantly increase the expense to have the contractor paint it all

Are there any alternatives to painting the pvc trim that will still look nice but not break the bank?


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  1. walta100 | | #1

    Seems to me the fiber cement trim is likely to cost less and take paint better.


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