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Neuffer Windows and Doors

CamWalker | Posted in General Questions on

Hi all,

I’ve recieved a bid from Neuffer, a window and door company operating out of Germnay, for their alu-clad tilt and turn triple pane windows and doors.

They seem legitimate, very responsive, competive in price and nice looking.

I am wonderign if anyone has importd them for a project or had any first hand expericne with them? Are they as good as threy promise?



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  1. [email protected] | | #1

    What have they promised?

    1. CamWalker | | #2

      Let me rephrase. They seem very promising, can anyobody attest to their quality?

      The represemntative assures me I, like all customers, will be delighhted.

  2. nynick | | #3

    I have no experience with them, but I did price SHUCO from Germany/Poland and they were quite expensive for their triple pane, T&T's. What killed the deal was the shipping to the US. Make sure you get a quote for that.

  3. AC200 | | #4

    I looked at European windows. The ones shipped from overseas were competitive for what they were. A couple things that need to be considered:

    - Europe glass ratings are at a higher temp for u factor so the window specs look better than they are
    - They have no flanges. More flexible for install as an "outie" or "innie" in a thick wall, but sealing outside needs a bit more care
    - Shipping is less a big deal now than during pandemic. Lots of containers available at reasonable cost.

    The profiles seemed very similar for the recognized European Brands. ETEM from Greece seemed to be the most cost effective. I have seen the ETEM product in person and it's pretty good. Was least impressed with The Turkish companies.

    In the end, I only ordered an oversize lift and slide door. Shuco and Reynaers were the only ones that could handle the size and weight of triple glazed. Used a local company that imported Reynaers (Belgium) profiles and assembled them here with local glass

  4. CamWalker | | #5

    Well, I've ordered them and I will happily give some feedback once they arrive. They were great to work with this far with very good pricing. Unlike using a middle man here, you deal with them direclty which means costs are kept down. Shipping was fine and for their alu clad timber windows, triple glazed with insect screens, they were cheaper than Marvin Ultimates, by several thouand dollars.

    1. tdh2106 | | #6

      Hey CamWalker, do you have any update? I'm located in Seattle and am considering Neuffer, Kneer Sud, Euroline, Alpen, Cascadia, Fenstur and LiteZone. I'd be curious to hear what else you considered, and your overall experience with Neuffer, including customs and shipping. Thanks in advance!

      1. nickmokan | | #7

        I am in Seattle and I’m an importer of Etem thermal break and Kommerling uPVC from overseas. As a matter of fact, I am in the process of opening a manufacturing facility for these exact window lines here in the Seattle area as well. In the meantime, I’d be glad to chat about your project and see if I can help sourcing windows from overseas that’ll meet your needs!

      2. CamWalker | | #8

        They arrived. They’re beautiful. I haven’t lived with them nor had the blower door yet, but they’re fantastic, and the sales and technical team are very helpful. They’re Ideal windows and j think Neuffer is the distributor. Get a bid, you’ve nothing to loose.

  5. BizKitt22 | | #9

    Hi Cam, I'm currently getting a quote from Neuffer myself. It's been a few months since your last post. Have you had a chance to get the blower door yet? Have you lived in them yet? If so, what's your feedback so far? Approximately how much was the shipping? Are you using a stick frame or ICF?

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