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Anyone use or have a source for European Doors

Beardoh | Posted in Pretty Good House on

Anyone use as a supplier for doors?  How is the quality, and customer service from this company?

I’d love to hear any suggestions on European style doors.

Recently, I received a quote from Pinnacle Window Solutions in Maine, and was surprised at the suggestion for Therma Tru doors.  I had installed these on a house in ’05.  They were OK, but not great.  Having seen the Euro style doors in Italy and Slovenia, that style would be my preference, if I can afford it.

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  1. mdb_az | | #1

    try sash and frame based on out of NY state

  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #2

    I have not used that company. I do spec Thermatru often; they are better than they used to be. You can even get a 3-point lock for a modest upcharge. You might try either European Architectural Supply or their trade partner Performance Building Supply; they sell Schuco and Salamander windows and doors that are relatively affordable and well-vetted European product.

    1. Beardoh | | #3

      Thanks for that Mike - I didn't know they had that 3 point lock - I'll have to check into that today. I've inquired with PBS on Salamander, but no response. Trae at Logic has been good to work with and pretty easy to connect with.

  3. kyle_r | | #4

    You can also checkout Alpen and Duxton.

  4. Tim_O | | #5

    Denco is an importer, I do know someone who used them and recommended them to me. For me, they had some of the better pricing stateside. Quick to respond to questions when quoting, but beyond that, I haven't worked with them.

    I am ordering from Debesto here shortly. uPVC door is about $2600 for a 48mm thick door with a side lite. I believe it's the same brand as the one on my mother in law's house in Germany. I have not seen a door like that stateside. Solid, it shuts like a bank vault. It only makes sense if you order an entire window package from them though, shipping would be killer on a single door. For reference - the actual brand on the door is Ekoline. They have about 150 different styles, you can order them in uPVC with a plywood/xps core, aluminum, or wood finish.

    1. prefix_harry | | #12

      Did you end up ordering debesto? Their pricing for aluprof is excellent, vs windows24 or EAS. I would like to order from them, but I'm nervous about the lack of reviews.

  5. rondeaunotrondo | | #6

    Check out Kohltech they have both standard and euro style doors higher quality than therm tru and not terribly expensive.

    1. Beardoh | | #7

      Thanks for that. I see there is a dealer about 1.5 hours from my place, and am waiting a return call. In the meantime, is there a particular line from Kohltech that is the Euro style door? I've looked through their marketing material, but didn't see any lines touting a euro-style or a more tight connection with the jamb.

  6. rondeaunotrondo | | #8

    From the quotes I received, like many European window manufacturers it’s essentially a large tilt turn window if that’s turned into a door. I did quote there “normal“ doors with triple locks that were cheaper than their tilt turn and had very good U values. I believe they tilted turnstile doors called supreme. They are made in Canada and my understanding is very that They are very high-quality. I’m also ordering casement windows from them with u value that rival tilt turns at about u 15.

  7. aaronhjelt | | #9

    I have used Denco for windows (11 tilt-and-turns at this point). Lauren and Stephen are great to work with and their warehouse staff is really friendly. I live about 5 hours so I've only picked up will call. The windows have been great - in comparing the specs to others offered by their Polish supplier (at least this is where all mine have been assembled), they seem to be about a "mid-range" model. For those who are looking to replace a few windows at a time, I'd highly recommend them. However, not too sure about the doors. I've played around with them in their showroom. Very similar characteristics and hardware to their windows.

  8. buildzilla | | #10

    hi @beardoh,

    for "euro-style" doors, there is the kind which is like a giant window (very well made, but u have to be into the aesthetic of a glass/frosted-glass door), logic/pinnacle can get u these i think roughly 3k.

    doors like these which come in aluminum and pvc cores can b procured at i think pvc and aluminum will set u back ~6k and aluminum ~12k respectively.

    i think decent fiberglass therma-tru can b had for ~3k and i think multi-point locking hardware is an option for some models, which is one of the key features of euro doors.

    the prices may b stale, but when i last looked this was the landscape.

  9. tdbaugha | | #11

    My Aluprof full lite doors through EAS were $2800 plus shipping. 8’ T x 3’6” W

  10. Anthony1988 | | #13

    Seemray windows and doors out of Cincinnati. I am installing windows that I ordered from them.

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