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Any problems associated with having 1/2″ plywood for engineered stone on top of 1X4 furring strips/foam?

Matt70 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Currently have 2X4 stud wall with cedar siding on OSB/plywood in zone 4A. Planned to remove cedar lap siding, wrap house sheathing. Install 4″ rigid foam. Use either 1X4 furring strips over properly sealed foam or 3/4″ thick furring strips cut from treated plywood. Then install treated 1/2″ plywood for lath and scratch coat, then installing engineered stone. And sealing stone/mortar.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    As long as your furring-strip fasteners can handle the weight of the engineered stone, you should be OK. More information here: Fastening Furring Strips to a Foam-Sheathed Wall.

  2. Matt70 | | #2

    Thanks! Just wanted to be sure not to create issues.

  3. nvman | | #3

    What about using cement board instead of plywood, just where the engineered stone goes?

  4. Matt70 | | #4

    Cement board is interesting. Just wonder if that would greatly increase the weight load on furring strips/fasteners? I'm unsure of the weight difference between two products.

  5. Matt70 | | #5

    Well considering the lath and scratch coat, cement board may be lighter. I've never laid engineered stone before, so I'm a newb.

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