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  1. Expert Member

    Have you had any trouble with them? I wouldn't worry about anything the Daily Mail writes about unless I was experiencing it myself, or heard about the problem from a more reputable source.

  2. charlie_sullivan | | #2

    The problem with pulsation of light inducing headaches is real--it won't cause headaches for everyone every time, but there's a real correlation and there's real science backing that up. The junk science in that article, however, is the assertion that LED lighting inherently has huge flicker. In fact, many LEDs bulbs have similar, or even lower levels of pulsation as incandescent bulbs, and are much better than traditional fluorescents. But some are in fact much worse. It's not an inherent feature of the LED itself, but rather a design choice made by the company producing the LED bulb.

    This LEDBenchmark site has lots of test results on different LEDs, including measursing the pulsation. Unfortunately, it's not kept up to date as new LEDs rapidly come on the market.

    Their page on this issue might help you understand the issues:

  3. kyeser | | #3

    I bought some replacement bulbs for a 60w ceiling fixture at my local electrical supplier, and the lights are so bad I would replace them but they are in a ceiling in a stairway so you need an 8ft ladder and plank to access the fixture. What I noticed when we were repainting this hallway this past summer is that the color was very blue, no big deal, but it almost made me feel dizzy. I noticed a weird visual sensation around these bulbs. Not sure the brand, but obviously junk.

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